GPUG Meetings

Microsoft Dynamics GP “how to” by Belinda, the GP CSI from Njevity.The following is a collection of “Free Give-a-ways” that I’ve shared with Microsoft Dynamics GP User Groups (GPUG) meeting attendees.

Denver GPUG Meeting – June 11, 2018

Thank you to all who attended the GPUG meeting this week.  There are two templates I would like to share with you can be downloaded using the following link:

GP GL Data
Directions on how to use a Power BI Template file are in the following video:

I’ll let you know when an updated version of my “Debit and Credit” Power BI Template is available.

As always, I hope this helps and thanks for investing in yourselves! – Belinda

Midwest GPUG Regional Meeting – August, 2017

Below is the information to get your Microsoft Dynamics GP data into Microsoft Power BI.

First you’ll need to download the Power BI Template.   Use the link below to access this file.
GPUG Gift From Belinda

Then watch the video below that shows how to use the file with your own GP data.

Thanks again for investing in your company and yourself! – Belinda